SSI Approvals and Repayment Process
Notification of SSI Approval/payment will come to the EW when CSS Clerical Unit receives communication via Social Security Administration’s eIAR web application, or the client may contact the EW directly. The county is required by law to process the claim and report the SSI reimbursement amount within twenty-five (25) working days. If not processed within the time allowed, the amount owed to the County will be forfeited.
Repayment Process for Interim Assistance Reimbursement
GA Clerical Staff:
- Receives the e-mail from CSS Clerical Unit with the approved SSI list (new IAR cases).
- IDs cases and creates tasks for:
- Client on SSI. Discontinue GA/CAPI IMMEDIATELY.
- Send a valid NOA.
Note: For cases in the list that are no longer in a GA caseload, clerical staff IDs the cases and informs GA-Collections Liaison of the status of the GA/CAPI case (discontinued/closed and status date).
Assigned EW:
- Receives task for actions OR receives notification from the client that they have received their first check for SSI/SSP.
Note: If the recipient receives the SSI award letter, but has NOT received the first check, the EW must determine which month the first check will be received. This may be accomplished by having the client take an SCD 169 to Social Security Administration (SSA) for completion. The EW must make a notation on the SCD 169, asking when the first check is anticipated.
- Ensures that IAR Code 43 is showing on MEDS INQX Screen. If not, send the client with both the SCD 169 and the SSP 14 to SSA. A notation must be made on the SCD 169, asking SSA to “Manually” transmit or tag the SSI record (GR Code Posted) with Code 43 for IAR.
- Obtains a current SSP14 prior to IAR due date, if not already on file.
- Reviews MEDS to obtain confirmation/verification of SSI approval. If MEDS indicates:
- Questionable information.
- Evaluates and reviews the case for continued eligibility and takes appropriate action.
- SSI Approval
- Discontinues the GA case IMMEDIATELY.
- Enters SSI/SSP information in CalSAWS.
- Ensures the correct discontinuance NOA(s) are sent to the recipient. For GA use GA 023, for CAPI use NA 691.
Note: A ten-day NOA is not required for GA, but it is required for CAPI.
- Reviews Overpayment claims and takes appropriate action.
- Ensures a correct and updated SSP 14 is in Imaging and takes the following actions:
- If missing or incomplete SSP 14, contacts the client for appropriate completion/correction of the SSP 14 and emails the SSP 14 immediately to the Collections Unit inbox.
- If SSP 14 is found, emails the SSP 14 immediately to the Collections Unit inbox at the DTAC email address above.
- Questionable information.
- Notifies SSI Advocacy unit of SSI approval.
- Notifies the EW Supervisor of the actions taken within 2 days of receiving the task.
Exceptions For Discontinuance After FME and RCH Cases
CSS Clerical Unit:
- Computes the IAR.
Exception: Collections may reach out to the Collections Liaison at GA to complete computations for: Couple cases, RCH cases, Sponsored cases, or any other case where eligibility knowledge is required to determine the amount of aid paid. These requests will come as emails with the subject line: Comp Sheet Request [insert case number/name]. [Refer to IAR Computation section below].
IAR Computations
GA Collections Liaison:
- Receives email from Collections with subject line Comp Sheet Request [insert case number/name]. Acknowledge receipt with an email reply, then forwards to the designated eligibility staff and ensures steps 2-8 are completed by the due date given.
Designated Eligibility Staff:
- Accesses the Special Projects folder from the S: drive.
- Open the Collections-GA folder.
- Open the CompSheet folder and access the ‘IAR CompSheet FY 20xx’ folder (choose current FY).
- Open the CompSheet template and complete all necessary fields with information from CalSAWS (i.e. issuance history, expungement history, etc.) based on the dates and information given in the email.
Note: Designated staff at the GA office will complete all the fields on the comp sheet except for the highlighted fields which will be completed by Collections
- Save As “case number/name – compsheet” in the ‘IAR Compsheet FY 20xx’ folder.
- Go back to the Collections-GA folder and open the ‘IAR Log FY 20xx’ folder (choose current FY) to access the IAR log.
- Go to the log/row number stated in the email from Collections.
- Ensure that the SSP 14 column already has a hyperlink containing the SSP 14.
- Add a hyperlink to the completed CompSheet in the CompSheet Completed column by right clicking in the appropriate row of the ‘CompSheet Completed’ column, go to Hyperlink then select “Edit Hyperlink”, select the completed CompSheet from the appropriate folder and click OK.
- Reply to the Collections Liaison to inform that the CompSheet has been completed.
Important: these requests must be completed by the due date!!*
Collections Liaison:
- Replies to Collections to inform that the CompSheet has been completed.