CWES Requests
CWES requests are important because CWES actions are contingent upon entries in Data Collection. Level 1 requests require same-day action and are initiated via an email or phone call to the EW. Level 2 requests are high-priority Tasks and should be processed in 3 business days.
CWES Tasks
A Task is initiated when Employment Counselors (ECs) or Social Workers (SWs) have a request that requires an action be taken, but the action is not required on the same day. Designated CWES/SW staff generate a Task. A Task is generated and assigned to an EW.
For instructions on creating Tasks, including the steps for manually assigning tasks, refer to Chewable Byte CB 2023-12: How To Create Manual Task in CalSAWS.
Note: Designated CWES staff includes Supervisors, Leads, and other CWES and SW staff. ECs must submit their CWES action requests, along with the required documentation/verification, attachments, and/or templates, to their leads or supervisors to include for the generation of Tasks.
Communication Flow
ECs and SWs must document their name, worker number, telephone number, and a description of the issue in the CalSAWS Journal Detail page. This will assist the EW assigned to the Task in identifying the EC or SW to contact before taking action on the case. EWs must also contact the appropriate EC or SW once the request or task is completed.
There may be circumstances where the EC may need to provide information to the EW that does not require immediate action; these requests or information are not a Level 1 or Level 2. This information is provided to inform the EW of a potential future action and is provided via email or via phone serving as a provision of “FYI.” Tasks are only generated for requests that require an action or verification, and not “FYI.” Refer to FYI” Requests.
Request Levels
Level 1 Requests
Request Type | Note |
Lifting of Sanctions |
Implementation of Sanctions | |
Troubleshooting of Sanctions |
Example: duplicate sanctions Task must be initiated by EPS or Lead. |
Informational Phone Calls | Example: SAR 7, discontinued or inactive status |
Temporary case payee for Cal-Learn teens who graduate | |
Run EDBC per CWES request | On occasion, EC may need EW to take this action when bonuses are issued. |
Validation of Sanctions | Example: child support and other sanctions/penalties |
Penalties/other sanctions that require same day action/data clean-up/validation | |
Open a WTW program block in CalSAWS | EWs can refer to Chewable Byte 2023-01: How to Add a New Program for CalSAWS instructions. |
Level 2 Requests
Request Type | Note |
Address changes | |
Implementation of a young child exemption, when child is known to CalSAWS | Task must be initiated by Exemptions Unit. |
Implementation of Domestic Abuse exemption | Task must be initiated by DV Advocate. Verification must be included. |
Implementation of Caring for an ill & incapacitated person living in the home exemption | Task must be initiated by Exemptions Team. Verification must be included. |
Implementation of Medical Exemption | Task must be initiated by Exemptions Team. |
Implementation of other WTW Exemptions | Include appropriate verification. |
Employment begin date |
Include name of employer, amount per hour, job start date, and attach verification received. Note: Create Task only if the client provided verification (Request for Employment Information (SCD 549A) with client’s signature, offer letter from employer, etc). |
Receipt of financial aid |
Include the source and type. Attach WTW 8 and financial aid verification. |
Providing pregnancy information | Include verification. |
Employment Services Registrations in CalSAWS: |
Time on Aid (TOA) discrepancies | |
Family Reunification Cases (Assembly Bill (AB) 429) | |
Truant Teen issues | |
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) ES Related Issues | Task must be initiated by EPS or Lead. |
Clean-up of Exemptions | For “Other exemptions or clean-up of exemptions” which require same-day processing, CWES staff will call the Information Supervisor of the Day who will, in turn, create a Task for the request. |
“FYI” Requests
The following requests are to be initiated to the EW as an FYI via email (not via Task):
- Household member changes (i.e. birth of a child, etc.)
- EC must add Journal entry and scan to Imaging any relevant documents. EW will assess and take appropriate action.
- Change in contact information (i.e. change in address, phone number, etc.)
- EC must add Journal entry and scan to Imaging any relevant documents. EW will assess and take appropriate action.
- Young Child Exemption
- The EC explains to client that in order for the exemption to be implemented, the newborn needs to be reported to benefits and be added to at least the Medi-Cal program. The EC requests that the client inform the EW of newborn demographic information and to request for child to be added to at least the Medi-Cal program; and also to CalFresh, if applicable. If the client is at CWES, the EC can provide CW8A form and request that form and required verification be returned to his/her EW. When the client is on the phone line, the EC can transfer client to the EW.
Processing CWES Requests
The following process must be adhered to when processing requests from CWES staff:
Step | Who | Action |
1 | Employment Counselor (EC) |
Note: If the case is unassigned, calls the OD/ Information Supervisor. |
2 | Eligibility Worker (EW) |
Note: When a case needs to be transfered to another office, the EW should resolve the open CWES Task before transferring. If unable to resolve before transfer, ensure that the case contains thorough journal entries. The Task will follow the case.
Cases Assigned to Non-CalWORKs Units
At times CWES requests address CalWORKs programs that may no longer be assigned to a CalWORKs EW. The following steps are to be followed when addressing CWES Requests for cases at a Non-CalWORKs Unit:
Step | Who | Action |
1 | Designated CWES Staff |
2 | Continuing Information Supervisor |
3 | EW |
4 | Continuing Information Supervisor |
Escalation Process
The following escalation process is to be followed when there are resolution delays:
Task Processing Delays
When the assigned CWES Task has been pending for more than 3 working days, the following process is followed for Intake and Continuing:
- Designated CWES/SW staff (Task creator) follows up by emailing EW and cc’s EWS/EPS.
- EW Supervisor follows up with EW.
- EW confirms with designated CWES/SW staff via email that action is complete, and if further action is necessary, calls designated CWES/SW.
Closed CWES Tasks
When the Task is closed but actions have not been taken, or actions were taken incorrectly, the following process is followed:
- Designated CWES/SW staff, who created the task, sends an email to the EW Supervisor of the last assigned EW, to request that the Task be re-opened.
- EW Supervisor follows up with the EW.
- EW confirms with the CWES designated staff via email that action is complete, and if further action is necessary, calls the CWES designated staff.
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